Žabar Lake Prices for 2025

Rates for fishing packages for the Season 2025:
– The price for single swims (All but 17) is 100,00 euro/day (4 rod Maximum).
– The price for swim 17 (only double swim) is 150,00 euro/day (6 rod Maximum)
– The deposit will be 40,00 euro/day for single swims and 50,00 euro/day for double swim (17).
– All fisherman must pay deposit in period of 15 days after making reservation and reservation will be valid!
Contact number:+38765898846
IMPORTANT! You must carefully read the general, fishing and fish care rules. By requesting a reservation, you fully agree with those rules.
Cjenovnik za sezonu 2025:
– Cijena za „single“ pozicije (sve ostale pozicije osim pozicije 17) je 100,00 eura/dan i podrazumijeva maksimalno 4 štapa
– Cijena za „double“ poziciju (samo pozicija 17) je 150,00 eura/dan i podrazumijeva maksimalno 6 štapova
– Depozit za „single“ pozicije (sve pozicije osim 17) iznosi 40,00 eura/dan.
– Depozit za „double“ poziciju (17) iznosi
50,00 eura/dan.
– Svi depoziti moraju biti uplaćeni najkasnije 15 dana od izvršene rezervacije kako bi ista bila validna!
Kontakt telefon:+38765898846
VAŽNO! Morate pažljivo pročitati opća pravila, pravila ribolova i brige o ribama. Zahtjevom za rezervaciju pristajete na navedena pravila.
The management of Žabar Lake reserves the right to change the price list.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
Name *
Last Name *
Email *
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