Žabar Lake Rules for 2025

You must carefully read the general, fishing and fish care rules! By requesting a reservation, you fully agree with these rules.



1. Day tickets are no longer available, only packages of 3 days and more with the possibility of extension (if the swim is free).
2. All unhooking mats and slings have been replaced with new ones. The new unhooking mats are inflatable. All fish will be photographed in the water. Anglers must have waders.
3. Upon arrival anglers will personally pick up the unhooking mat, tripod and slings and pay a deposit of 100 euro at the end of the session, the angler returns the equipment to the reception and receive back the deposit, if the equipment is not damage.
4. Boilies are not included in the price of the fishing package, but anglers can buy them in unlimited quantities on the lake at a price of 10,00 euro/kg. Boilies will be available in two flavors (squid and strawberry) and in a size of 22 mm and can only be used for internal use on Lake Žabar! Anglers are allowed to use their own boilies for both feeding and baiting.
5. The administration of Lake Žabar will no longer feed the fish (only in exceptional cases and only when the lake is not full of anglers).
6. Seeds of any kind, whether prepared or not, are prohibited. Only boilies and pellets are allowed.
7. All fishing position have bungalows.
8. The minimum size of the main line is 0.35 mm.
9. The maximum time for receiving, photographing and returning the fish to the water is 5 (five) minutes. Keeping fish in slings is strictly prohibited!
10. Using boat or any others going in the water all fisherman must using safe belt for personal security. Going in the water without safe belt is on personal responsibility!


1. Dnevna karta više neće biti dostupna, samo paketi od 3 ili više dana sa mogućnošću zamjene pozicije prije dolaska na ribolov kao i u toku obavljanja istog (samo ukoliko ima drugih slobodnih pozicija).
2. Obavljanje ribolova sa rezervisane pozicije podrazumijeva upotrebu vlastitog pribora i čamca na daljinsko upravljanje, kao i sonara. Upotrebu čamca na vesla za razvlačenje dozvoljena je samo ako ga donesete sa sobom (dozvoljena upotreba elektromotora). Boile, kadu za prihvat ribe, sling i tronožac za vaganje,struja i wi-fi obezbjeđuje jezero Žabar.
3. Svaki ribolovac prije početka ribolova zadužiće kadu, sling i tronožac te će iste nakon ribolova razduživati. Ukoliko ribolovci u toku ribolova pomenutu opremu oštete, dužni su je namiriti.
4. Svi ribolovci koji žele fotografisati ribu moraju to obaviti u vodi i dužni su sa sobom ponijeti duboke čizme.
5. Boile ne ulaze u cijenu paketa za ribolov ali ih ribolovci mogu kupiti u neograničenim količinama na jezeru po cijeni od 10 eura/kg. Boile će biti dostupne u dvije arome (squid i strawberry) i u veličini od 22 mm, mogu se koristiti samo za internu upotrebu na Jezeru Žabar! Ribolovcima je dozvoljena upotreba vlastitih boila i za prihranu i za mamčenje.
6. Upotreba bilo koje druge hrane (ptičija hrana, kukuruz, tigrov orah, šećerac…), osim boila i peleta je zabranjena.
7. Administracija jezera u toku ribolovne sezone neće obavljati hranjenje ribe osim u slučajevima kada na jezeru nema puno ribolovaca (manje od 50% zauzetih pozicija).
8. Na svim ribolovnim pozicijama se nalaze bungalovi i upotreba istih je obavezna.
9. Minimalna dozvoljena debljina najlona je 0,35 mm, upotreba upredenih struna je zabranjena.
10. Maksimalno vrijeme za prihvat, fotografisanje i vraćanje ribe u vodu je 5 (pet) minuta. Strogo je zabranjeno zadržavanje ribe u slingovima!
11. Svaki ulazak u vodu sa čamcem podrazumijeva obaveznu upotrebu pojasa (prsluka) za spašavanje i dozvoljen je samo u okviru vlastite pozicije za ribolov. Svaki eventualni ulazak u vodu bez pojasa (prsluka) za spašavanje je na vlastitu odgovornost.


• Check in at 11.00 am / check out at 09.00 am; no arrival or departure during the hours of darkness except in an emergency
• Drive inside the property at a maximum 20 km/h speed
No smoking in the bungalows; no drugs; no swimming
No loud speaking; no loud music
No open fire except small size barbecue grills with legs
No litter at any time, please use the provided bins
Carefully use the electric or gas cooking devices; any damage caused by misuse of electric or gas cooking devices will be anglers responsibility
During cold weather, carefully use electric or gas heaters; any damage caused by misuse of electric or gas heaters will be anglers responsibility
Please walk or use a bicycle to reach toilets or showers; avoid all unnecessary driving inside the property
No use of excessive sources of light on the lake; please be discreet
• Drink alcohol only in moderation, no abuse will be tolerated
• Anglers are only allowed to leave the lake for shopping between 7-10 am and 5-7 pm; no driving outside those intervals, even if the property gates are open, unless specifically authorized by the management
Anglers are permitted to use a bivvy or shelter in the swim
There is no extra fee for visitors or non-angling persons; the angler that made the reservation is responsible for visitors and non-angling persons in his swim; however the lake management must authorize any visitors
The summer terrace and the kitchen are private areas; the access is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized by the management
Please respect other anglers; rowdy behaviour will not be tolerated


Žabar Lake fishery has an all-species no-kill policy; please catch and safely release any fish
Only safe rigs permitted; all rigs must eject the lead in case of a snagged or lost fish; lake management can check the rigs at any time
No pole or feeder fishing; only carp rods with a length between 3 meters (10ft) and 3,96 meters (13ft) are allowed
Anglers are allowed to use remote controlled bait boats for free; although we are not recommend it, anglers are allowed to bring their own inflatable boat for free
• When in boat, the use of a suitable life jacket is mandatory; use of boats is entirely at the anglers own risk, no liability or responsibility on the fishery; the use of boats after consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited
Žabar Lake is boilies and pellets exclusive, all nuts and particles are strictly forbidden for baiting; tiger nuts and sweet corn, as well as plastic baits, are only permitted as hook baits
Anglers can use any type of quality boilies and / or pellets, except Decathlon ones, in any quantity. The lake management can check at any time the baits used by anglers
Using Spombs and other baiting rockets is permitted with moderation; please respect your neighbours and try not to disturb them
Although we are not recommend it, anglers can only use pole type permanent markers
Main line diameter must be at least 0,35 mm; no braided main line or leaders are allowed, except on spod or marker reels; leadcore, tubing and safezone type leaders are permitted
Barbless, bent or curve longshank nailer hooks are strictly banned
• Baiting is permitted at any time
All fishing packages include 1 kg of boilies / rod / day; the anglers can buy any extra quantity directly on the lake for the price of 10 euro / kg
Zig Rigs are strictly banned
No stalking; all rods must be fished within the swim limits; if your swim limits are not visible please ask the lake management for help
Strictly no unattended rods; if you need to leave the swim you must reel in all rods


All fish must be photographed in the water. Anglers must wear waders.
Upon arrival, all anglers must lift the inflatable unhooking mat, sling and tripod from the reception. 100 EUR deposit will be payed, the anglers will receive the money back after returning these items, if not damaged.
No sacking or retention of fish unless specifically authorized by the lake management
Fish must be kept in the landing net until everything is set up for weighing and taking photos; if you fish alone, ask for help
Taking the fish out of the water is only permitted in sling; carefully place the sling under the landing net in the water, check if all fins are in natural position then lift the sling with the landing net inside
Fish must be returned in the water safely and in the minimum amount of time possible
Holding the fish while stand up is strictly prohibited; fish must not be lifted above knee level at any time
All anglers must have and use antiseptic carp care solutions
If a wounded fish is landed please immediately inform the lake bailiff
If a dead fish is spotted please immediately inform the lake bailiff
Anglers must bring their own landing nets (minimum size 42 inch)

The management of Žabar Lake reserves the right to amend the above rules at any time and accepts no liability or responsibility for any accidents or losses whilst on the property. It is the anglers responsibility to be aware of dangers of fishing and to stay protected.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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